Who are we?
We are the Anglican Church of St George and St Paul, Lisbon, made up of two English-speaking churches (St. George’s, Lisbon and St. Paul’s, Estoril), and a
congregation meeting in Caldas da Rainha. Our mission is to serve the English-speaking community of the Greater Lisbon metropolitan area by providing
them with opportunities for Christian life and worship in English. Our Chaplaincy is within the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe and as such, forms part
of the Anglican Communion. It has served the people of the Lisbon area for over 350 years.
The Chaplain is the Reverend Canon Beth Bendrey (chaplain@lisbonanglicans.org) and the Assistant Chaplain is the Reverend Iain Bendrey
The Anglican Church of St George and St Paul subscribes to the Diocesan Safeguarding Policy. We have a safeguarding officer.
For updated information about all our services, please consult the Weekly Notices But why not subscribe to our Weekly Notices emails (see button link
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Chaplain: Reverend Canon Beth Bendrey
E-mail: chaplain@lisbonanglicans.org
Landline: +(351) 211 306 293
Chaplain mobile: +(351) 932 101 805
Chaplaincy identity number (NIF): 592005542
Chaplaincy bank account (IBAN): PT50000702070003444000351
Anglican Church of St George and St Paul
“What does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, and to love mercy and to walk humbly
with your God” (Micah 6.8)
Church Services
St Paul’s Church, Estoril
9:30 am Sunday Eucharist
St George’s Church, Lisbon
11:30 am Sunday Eucharist
Copyright the Anglican Church of St George and St Paul 2024. All rights reserved.
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